Thursday, January 16, 2020

5 Reasons To Be A Winter Warrior


As the days get shorter, darker and the temperatures drop, you may be tempted to hang up your exercise gear and hibernate for the Winter. do n't Make sure you stay active throughout to beat those seasonal blues and get yourself out of that slump.

 1. Increased Energy.

Regular exercise will make you feel more energetic, which should make it a little easier to get out of your bed on these cold mornings.

2. Strengthen Your Immune System.

Your body's defenses will also benefit. There is research suggesting that exercise can improve your immune system, therefore reducing the risk of picking up any illnesses or colds.

3. Manage Your Winter Weight.

You may be tempted to eat more during the colder months, particularly during the Christmas period! Exercising will help you conduct your weight better and keep your body in making. Training in the Winter increases blood flow and circulation to all the arteries and veins. The body has to switch on its internal radiator therefore it burns more energy and fat stores because more energy is required to heat up the body's core temperature.

4. Beat those Winter Blues.

If the shorter days are affecting your mood and giving you the winter blues or the more serious SAD (seasonal affective disorder), keeping active can improve your sense of wellbeing. A daily workout releases feel-good, de-stress brain chemicals, gives you a break from the daily grind and helps ease depression, especially when working out outside.

5. Get your daily dose of vitamin D.

The easiest source of `vitamin D is from exposure of bare skin to sunlight. Benefits of Vitamin D include healthier bones and teeth, supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health and supporting lung function and cardiovascular health. We must soak up every inch of Vitamin D we can during these dark and dingy months.

Our instructors are used to embracing the elements and their experience will ensure that your military session will be rewarding and enjoyable, whatever the conditions and will definitely help you get the results you want. Your wellbeing is a priority, so instructors will make every effort to keep you out of the worst of the elements.

Top Tips

Make sure you're warm. Wear several layers to keep the heat in. A lot of heat escapade through your head, so consider another a hat as well. But don’t worry, you will definitely be warmed up after starting a PT session!

Opt for bright colored clothing due to poor visibility.

Protect your skin – make sure you keep your face, hands, and skin moisturized to avoid cracked skin.
Some people don’t feel as thirsty during cold-weather workouts. But you’re still losing fluids through sweat and breathing in lower temperatures, therefore, you still need to replace those fluids by drinking water.
Wear high-quality footwear to avoid injuries. We know our PT sessions can be slippery, particularly during the Winter!

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