Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Personal Trainer Clapham

We were working as full-time personal trainers, working mostly with our clients one-to-one in their homes or in the great outdoors. As much as we enjoyed personal training, it was the group sessions that really enlightened us.

We had heard of the 'Revolution Personal Training' concept before, but the whole military style didn't suit us, and we felt this type of training was putting a lot of people off. 

Sure Some people want to be shouted and barked instructions at but it's not my idea of fun! The challenge was to build a series of workouts that were tough, (burning around 600 calories/hour), whilst at the same time create at atmosphere that had everyone smiling, making friends & having fun. 

We set to work on creating the Swift Revolution Personal Training...... Once we planned the workouts themselves, we got our flyers and posters, and make sure every house in the area new about the new Revolution Personal Training in the town.

 The result was amazing, & we had our first group! The training plan we'd created worked and was generating results in a matter of weeks. We developed genuine friendships with our clients, who were great fun to teach. The clients loved the friendly atmosphere of like-minded people & we found they were all genuinely supportive of each other. 

This tribe of happy clients was happy to spread the word & the numbers grew steadily. We spent a good-year working on our Revolution Personal Training model, tweaking and perfecting it until we had something which we knew was ready for more people. We expanded slowly, one park at a time, building a great team of personal trainers around us. 

We now run hundreds of sessions a month across the UK and has expanded our session range to include Boxing The Revolution Personal Training, Run Fit, Silent Disco Revolution Personal Training, and Hit sessions. We run group social events such a rock climbing & brunch clubs. Our members often enter into obstacle races and 10K events as a group and train together. 

We also run adventure retreats in France. We have a group of clients & personal trainers who have built an incredible community that we're very proud of. I hope you now have a better idea about who we are, and what we stand for. We would love to meet you in person, so get in touch and let's arrange your Revolution Personal Training trial.

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